Lakota/ Siberian Shaman & Usui Reiki Master

Lakota/ Siberian Shaman & Usui Reiki Master

Lakota/Siberian Shaman & Reiki Master since 2003

The ways of Lakota Native American Indians and the Siberian Tenger Shamans have been working with the Spiritual since the beginning of man. These Wise Medicine Woman/Men and Sages do this to assist, guide, heal and support their communities by working within the Spirit Realms.

I studied and trained for four years at Lightsong School of Shamanic Studies in Gresham Oregon. I've had the opportunity to assist my clients in ending migraines, mental and emotional transformative growth and healing through Shamanic healing since 2005.

We have the ability to hear, see, feel. touch and learn from our ancestors.

By channeling the information and energy from our ancestors I am able to assist you in clearing mental blockages which trap trauma, causing suffering and no successful forward progress in life.

Whether you are in the Taos New Mexico or anywhere around the world, this may be the cure for what ails you – perhaps the answer for some health conditions could be found in alternative healing.

At Abundant Healing & Wellness; I specialize in healing of Lakota Siberian Shamanism and Usui Reiki { True Original form found in ancient Sanskrit} I am trained by Sheila King of Oregon who is eleventh in the linage. My Mastery was established in 2003

Offered Healings

Shamanic and Reiki Healing sessions in person or distance healing. Shamanic Journeys, Soul Retrieval, Compassionate DE- possessions, Compassionate Dismemberments, Home/Property Clearing(De-haunting), Blessings and weddings. I am also an Ordained Minister through Universal Life Monastery since 2011

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